Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Facebook's New Chat Feature

Hey all,

I am so excited to see what Facebook is doing next. Now, Facebook has made it easy to find old friends, to chat with them, to schedule events with them. Facebook has allowed developers to build applications to Facebook. This allows user to continue to have fun with Facebook and not get bored with it. Facebook, in my mind, is going to surpass My Space. Facebook has released a new application to their core of Facebook. It's Facebook Chat. Yes, yes, I know! My Space has it's own chat, but facebook has made it better. How, you ask? You don't have to download another Chat application, like My Space. You can chat within your internet browser. My opinion Facebook couldn't have had a better idea. You already have all your friends on Facebook. There is no need to build up another buddy list. No need to have another program running in the background, just have Facebook up and you are good to go.

Other Articles on this subject:


Thursday, February 21, 2008

UCR’s Researchers Discover New Way to Store Information Via DNA

Technique may make it less expensive for industry to identify counterfeit merchandise
(February 19, 2008)

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (www.ucr.edu) – Researchers at UC Riverside have found a way to get into your body and your bloodstream. No, they’re not spiritual gurus or B-movie mad scientists. Nathaniel G. Portney, Yonghui Wu, Stefano Lonardi, and Mihri Ozkan from UCR’s departments of Bioengineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Biochemistry, and Electrical Engineering, and the Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, are just talented when it comes to manipulating DNA.

In their paper, “Length-based Encoding of Binary Data in DNA,” which was published by the American Chemical Society last month, the researchers discovered a system to encode digital information within DNA. This method relies on the length of the fragments obtained by the partial restriction digest rather than the actual content of the nucleotide sequence. As a result, the technology eliminates the need to use expensive sequencing machinery.

Why is this discovery important? The human genome consists of the equivalent of approximately 750 megabytes of data – a significant amount of storage space. However, only about three percent of DNA goes into composing the more than 22,000 genes that make us what we are. The remaining 97 percent leaves plenty of room to encode information in a genome, allowing the information to be preserved and replicated in perpetuity.

Given the size of the DNA fragments (one base pair of DNA is 0.33 nanometers), one could store a large amount of information in a very small space. By storing messages within DNA, organizations can “tag” objects to verify authenticity, as well as to inconspicuously send data to a specific destination. “Already there are several companies using DNA to tag objects that they certify to be original and which then can be very difficult to counterfeit,” says Stefano Lonardi, Associate Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at UCR’s Bourns College of Engineering.

For example, the British company, Redweb Security, has developed something called i-powder that tags DNA and another company called PSA DNA Authentication services tags sports memorabilia.

“What we developed at UCR is a method to encode a message in DNA in a way that does not require an expensive sequencing machine,” notes Lonardi. “The decoding still requires a wet lab procedure, but the experimental procedure is significantly easier.”

Article from: http://www.newsroom.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/display.cgi?id=1776

Major League Prank

Phillie Kyle Kendrick gets "traded" to Japan.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Marriage Proposal - REJECTED

Introducing Nanoscope

The iPod Nano screen is too small.

Several pints changed hands, a Dremel was involved, and some small speakers were needlessly butchered. Here is the result.

Mod and video: Mark Irwin
Editing: Owen Reading

Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Peoria running low on road salt

PEORIA - Local public works crews have been busy all winter, and now, they're in need of more road salt.

Peoria Public Works Director David Barber said the city has already dumped about 15,500 tons of salt on the roads this winter, costing more than $432,000. That's more than was used all of last winter and twice as much as the two previous years.

"We're going to go as sparingly as we can with the salt we have now," he said.

To combat the problem, the Peoria City Council will be asked to approve a contract for about $212,000 to purchase more salt.

The city has nearly 4,000 tons on hand, and the contract would cover up to another 5,000.

Barber said other areas across the Midwest have faced similar shortages.

In Peoria Heights, Public Works Director Bob Roth also has experienced problems.

"We're doing OK right now, but we're having to find different sources for salt," he said. "If this keeps up, it could cause problems down the road."

Source: http://www.pjstar.com/stories/020608/TRI_BFN4R04P.049.php

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Crazy iPhone Lady

Wow new definition of crazy.

Here are links to handouts this lady gave out:

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ultimate Caught Stealing Challenge

This is a show where two contests go head to head trying to steal different things without getting caught. Pretty funny concept.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fly naked on nudist holiday flight

Passengers must be clothed before boarding, dress before deplaning

FRANKFURT - German nudists will be able to start their holidays early by stripping off on the plane if they take up a new offer from an eastern German travel firm.

Travel agency OssiUrlaub.de said it would start taking bookings from Friday for a trial nudist day trip from the eastern German town of Erfurt to the popular Baltic Sea resort of Usedom, planned for July 5 and costing 499 euros ($735).

"It's expensive, I know," managing director Enrico Hess told Reuters by phone. "It's because the plane's very small. There's no real reason why a flight in which one flies naked should be more expensive than any other."

The 55 passengers will have to remain clothed until they board, and dress before disembarking, said Hess. The crew will remain clothed throughout the flight for safety reasons.

"I wish I could say we thought of it ourselves but the idea came from a customer," Hess told Reuters by phone. "It's an unusual gap in the market."

Naturism, or "free body culture" (FKK) as it is known in Germany, was banned by the Nazis but blossomed again after the Second World War, particularly in eastern Germany.

"There are FKK hotels where you can go into the restaurants and shops naked, for example," Hess said. "For FKK fans — not that I'm one of them — it's nothing unusual."

"I don't want people to get the wrong idea. It's not that we're starting a swinger club in mid-air or something like that," he added. "We're a perfectly normal holiday company."


Travis Barker Flo Rida Remix

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mario 2 Drums

This video is great until you realize it's all just a dream.

Google Maps gone too far

Has Google Maps gone too far? Haha This clip is funny if you ever got bored enough to look at people's houses using the arial maps within google maps.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

8 Year old threatens to bankrupt Make a Wish Foundation

I watched this and was taken back. For 2 days I was really ticked off. But After a couple days I decided to take a further look into this. I found out a company makes these kinds of news casts all the time. Their website is http://tv.theonion.com